November Money Moves

November 10, 2022: Christmas is in 45 days… WHAT!?

Michael Scott The Office Christmas

So last month I had a goal of funding $500.00 to my Emergency Fund, and I was able to save $516.91, to be exact.
To be quite honest, it wasn’t all that easy. To some, it’s JUST $500, but to some it’s A LOT. I usually always find a place to spend my money, whether that be bills or items for around the house, for myself. I need to get into a better habit of SAVING.

​​​​Now Christmas is coming up. And I don't know about you but I like to have all of my presents ready at least 2-3 weeks before Christmas.

So I started making a list of all of the people in my life I want to buy gifts for, with how much I'm allowing myself to spend for each person. I won’t be putting money aside, I’m just going to budget per person, and make sure I’m within my budget.

I found some SUPER cute savings trackers on Canva. It’s a great way to stay on track for the holidays or all year round!

My November Money Moves will look a bit different than my October goal, but I’m planning on tackling my debt starting in December! I’ll give you some updates in a few weeks.

See ya next month!

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